Sunday, February 05, 2012

On Broken Relationships

You see it every day - people who just can't make it work, no matter how hard they try.

Relationships that sour, friends or family who split and go their own ways.

Perhaps you have a relationship that comes to mind -- a spouse, a parent, a child, or friend.

It's too complicated to fix, you wouldn't know how, and even if you could, maybe you wouldn't want to...

Perhaps it is God you walked away from long ago.

It's not too late. And nothing is impossible for the God of reconcilation. Talk to him about it.

Give God permission to begin fixing a riff that continues to split you apart every day.

And then watch as he begins to work in the most creative ways...

He is able. And willing to heal your broken relationships. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I know of which I speak for I have seen it with my own eyes... my own life.
2 Corinthians 5:16-21


Shellie Tomlinson said...

You have the most beautiful mind. Why, I do believe it is the mind of Christ. :)) Great post!

Jennifer Richardson said...

big shiny mound of cheers
for this....yes x a million!
beautiful to the core...thanks
for this wonderful ponder,

Sharon Leaf said...

Your words sink deep into the roots of my heart. There is a broken relationship. God is able, so why can't I be? Thank you, Nicole. Running and wRiting certainly agree with you. xoxox