Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Strangest Thing I've Ever Asked

A. Tomorrow's my birthday.
B. Here’s a strange true story.
C. And an even stranger request.
Years ago, when I finally began to follow Christ, not just “believe” in him, I sort of made a “deal” with God. Not recommended, but here goes. I was really wanting a family, but I had to walk away from the relationship I thought would provide that. I told God that I had done all I could do with regard to the American Dream, and it wasn’t working for me. Something was missing. I said to God “Your will, not mine.” And meant it. “But,” I added, “You know I really want a family.  How about if by the time I’m (certain age), if it was not your will for me to have children, how about I adopt?” One year later, on the day I was to marry the other man, I met my husband. We now have two amazing children. God has been working in my life like that ever since.
Okay, so have you ladies ever noticed that although your doctor says you cannot physically have another child, your biological clock still ticks and makes you long to have another child? A few years ago, it was so bad, I couldn’t look at a baby without bawling. And then...God opened the door for me to teach hundreds of children…and I love them all! An answered prayer. But lately, that clock has been ticking again, and as today is my last day of “a certain age”, it reminded me of my “deal with God” from long ago. He did provide the family, but part of me wonders if we were supposed to adopt another child. I’ve been praying and said, “Lord, if that is Your will, you’ll have to basically drop a child on us before my birthday.”

So last night, my spiritual 8-year-old son says out of the blue: “What if you had a baby on your birthday?” I couldn’t speak. Then he said, “I think you should adopt a child.”
I gulped and said, “You do?"
And then he said, “Yes. And he’s a boy, and he’s 7 years old, and his name is Gary.” I think I left my body by this time.
Then he said: “Just make sure he’s younger than me.” (!!)
So now…I have to ask tentatively, in honor of faithfully knocking on doors and trying to do God’s will, is there a 7-year-old boy named Gary out there who is looking for a home? Or a mother-to-be who is looking to place her child?
My sweet husband who doesn't suffer from biological clocks, went white last night when I told him what my son said, and is fairly sure 7-yr -old Gary is a cat at the pound J Could be. But only God knows…
**UPDATE early AM March 17, 2013**

Okay, so perhaps no child dropped on me today, but I did get a call from my daughter when I was out shopping. She was at the park with my husband and called to say they were giving away free puppies. Alas, there was a Cleopatra...but no Gary, so no puppies came home. :)

However, I did bring in my new year in the Word and gained new understanding. Way back then, when I was going from believer to follower, while I was concerned with adopting a child one day if I was not blessed with my own, God was more concerned with adopting ME into his own family as one of his own children. How grateful I am that He did, and I can call him "Abba, Father."

"For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.
So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.”"
Romans 8: 14-15

And this was such a beautiful truth I ran across, I had to share.  Sometimes I don't even know what to pray for. Does that ever happen to you? Good thing the Holy Spirit does and prays on our behalf!

"And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will.   And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.  For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.  And having chosen them, he called them to come to him. And having called them, he gave them right standing with himself. And having given them right standing, he gave them his glory."
Romans 8:26-30

Actually, read all of Romans 8, it's such a powerful chapter.

1 comment:

Shellie Tomlinson said...

Oh, my very gosh a-mighty! I'm just about speechless and you know how seldom that happens. Don't know where THIS story will go next but I'm all ears and eyes and heart in it. Love you! Happy Birthday!!!