Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Kite Runner, Masterful

I finished The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini the other night, and I'm still thinking about it. Not only was it worthwhile to learn more about present-day Afghanistan, I also enjoyed the unique Afghan culture of honor and duty, the food, the language...I was fully immersed in this true page-turner and found myself crying at times or on the edge of my seat. The story became completely real to me, and I had to remind myself that this is fiction. That Hassan is simply a character in a novel. That Amir, Baba, and Sohrab are creations of Hosseini's mind.

The Kite Runner is one of the most brilliant novels I've ever had the pleasure of reading. It was at the same time, endearing, disturbing, haunting, and lovingly rendered. I highly recommend The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. It's not simply a novel; it's a moving experience.

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

I agree, great book. I read it last year and it has really stuck with me.